Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a blessed holidays. We surely did. Starting with broken microwave and water heater, we're forced with living without those precious e-helpers for almost a week. Not having them make me realize how blessed we are to have electricity, working appliances, working heater in the midst of winter.

My extended family came here half way across the world for the holidays. We had a blessed traveling time although at the end of the trip Wesley caught a nasty virus, then as usual it got into Max, and us but we are feeling much better now. Thank God!

I just finished writing my part in a memoir project of our dear missionary friend who passed away a little while ago. Besides writing papers for school, yelping, and blogging I never write any formal article so it was such a relief to get it done and passed the editor's requirements. :)

I have been praying for directions, goals, and plan for 2013 and slowly jotting them down in paper. God has been and is good and faithful, and we are excited to see what He has planned for this year. Trusting that He will give us the strength and grace we need.

Hope you have a blessed New Year!

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