Saturday, January 26, 2013

Subway Map Quilt

Chris and I agreed that it's time to retire our white carpet; with two kids and because it's white, it's easily get dirty or stained so we have to clean it  quite often. Note to myself: never ever buy a white carpet again. Chris had been trying to get rid of it but I kept holding on. Finally, I gave in with one condition: if I can make a quilt to replace it and he agreed. So off I went to work after finding the inspiration and tutorial from Oh Fransson.

After spending many wee hours in front of my sewing machine:

I made some adjustment to the original tutorial by changing the square sizing to 2.5 inches and the colors. I don't have that many fabrics so instead of buying more, I just use whatever fabrics I have. The master plan:

Quilting put my math skill to use:

The first of 12 blocks:

Guess how many total squares I cut and sewed together?

Sewing the squares together row by row:


and more ironing:

Sewing the blocks together

to make one large 48" x 64" rectangle quilt

Finally the top is done just need some more ironing,

basting, quilting, and binding

Max was helping too:

Finally, my second quilt is done:

The quilt is now replaced the worn dirty carpet in our living room/ play room/ learning space. We placed it on the top of a foam play mat. 

I add pocket on each corner that way the quilt doesn't move around:

It double functions as tracks too :)

Thank you Elizabeth for an excellent tutorial!