Saturday, January 5, 2013

Us & Berenstain Bears

Max likes reading Berenstain Bear's books. I like it too. I think if the Berenstain family live in the neighborhood, we would be good friends. :) Anyway... I just uploaded the boys' November picture on picasa I thought I give a little update here.

Starting last Fall, our family has been weathering all kind of illness from regular cough and cold to Hand Foot & Mouth disease: 
followed by stomach flu, and bacterial infection. We hope this is the last one for a while and pray for healthier us in 2013.

Max continue to learn and grow. Sometimes, I couldn't believe how fast he grows. His pants get longer, his shoes get bigger, his body get taller. I pray that his heart and faith get bigger too as he grows.

I took the above picture at 9 PM. I asked him earlier if he wants to sleep or do math? He chose the later. He  was working on this Kumon Book. We own other Kumon books and loves them more than other workbook.

arranging and counting his animals' collection:

according to their fist letter:

We were reading the Elijah's story on this Bible and we came to the part where Elijah prayed for the rain and the rain came. Max then made a comment: Mama, I know what the King say, "Oh no it's raining, I have to get my umbrella." :))

He said he was building the Lion Den in Daniel' story:

When it's school time for Koko; it's school time for Didi too:

My boys love playing play dough but I have to remind myself to do it during daytime because the mess is too much for daddy to handle.

Moping the floor is their favorite chores {I didn't ask them to do it, they asked for it}

Once the work is done, it's play time:

Didi continues to amaze and amuse us with his understanding, creativity, curiosity, and silliness.

Look at who is checking his e-mail or blogging maybe:

Chris was looking for something inside the corner cabinet. Didi couldn't resist seeing an opening and got to do this:

He is so good at doing this: {if you read through a reader you may need to go to our blog to see the video}
Translation: 'bobok' means 'sleep'; "mau bobok?" means "Do you want to sleep?"

That's it a little taste of life with the boys. 'Till next time...


  1. lion den is super cool! and didi hahahah cute cutee *gemes2*

  2. haha ... did kenapa enggak mau minum susu? ato gak mau bobok? masi mau maen yahh ... so cuteeeee di :D
