Friday, February 15, 2013

Tour to my kitchen and dining room { before renovation}

I love seeing other people' space especially their kitchen or sewing space on the internet then I realized I never shared pictures of our kitchen and dining room where we cook and eat our food so come on in! 

We love the fact that our kitchen get lots of light from the windows. On the left is our refrigerator. A little over a year ago, our old refrigerator broke. We called Annie & Acel to ask for their recommendation for refrigerator to buy because they just upgrade their kitchen. They kindly offered their old refrigerator for us since they no longer use it. We are blessed with great friends indeed and so very grateful.

The print outs on our refrigerator are: my humble Menu Plan, The Door Posts' Blessing chart, Max's Subject Lessons Plan.

The Left Corner:

The Kitchen Sink:

Moving on to the dining area. We got the white round table for craigslist. The bibs are stick to the kid's chairs that way they can grab and put them on themselves:

The glass shelves is also a gift. Our neighbor and dear friends were no longer have space for it and they asked us if we want it. It happened to fit our dining. Yay!!!

The letters serve as a constant reminder for us to give thanks... in everything

Next to the shelves is my baking center:

My recipe binders and books:

That's it. Hope you enjoy the tour. :)

Last but not least, I want to share this prayer that a friend shared:
"Bless this kitchen, Lord, and those who gather here each day. Let it be a place where we can meet to love, laugh, and pray." {Amen!}

We recently updated our kitchen. Click here to see how it looks like now

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