Thursday, May 16, 2013

Learning in love the preschool years

I had been listening to this wonderful audio sharing about Learning in Love the Preschool Years by Renee Tougas It's one out of 97 resources that I got from the ultimate homemaking bundle sale.

Below are my takeaways from her sharing:

The important ingredients:

1. Knowing your children: listen, watch, observe, read with your children, share their interest.
2. Knowing who you are and operating in your strength. Do what you love and involve them in that. For example if you don't like to craft it's okay you may like gardening or other hands-on thing. Doing thing with their hands and exploring is very important to young children.
3. Knowing your family. Know your family vision, mission, and value.

The important 3 R: Relationship, Rules, and Routines
1. Relationship: Loving learning comes from being loved.
2. Rules: Helping your child to understand how the world works: right vs. wrong; honesty vs. lying; what we do and we don't do; teaching about boundaries. Good reflection question to ask: "Is your action kind?"
3. Routine: Children thrive on routine. Get organized with your household and learning routine, which will lay foundation for their future years.
Great resources to tap into: local library, kitchen, backyard, local farm, play dates, local homeschooling group. {I would add pinterest, other homeschooling parents' blogs to the list too since we live in digital age :)}

The author also wrote a blog post that describe what homeschooling preschools in her house looks like here

It was such an encouragement to hear from someone who has walk further down the road on this homeschooling journey. Inspired by Renee' sharing I created an album: Learning@home and beyond: learning in love and having a love for learning. You don't have to be my friend to view it but you still have to log in to your Facebook account. My hope is to share the love of learning, the fact that learning can happen anywhere, and we can learn new things all the time.

"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life."Charlotte Mason

1 comment:

  1. I got the bundle too! Trying to find time to read more books :)
