Friday, June 28, 2013

Our Summer Bucket List

1. Read and summarize Summer Reading List

2. Go camping

3. Finish our kitchen makeover {will share more about it later on}

4. Update a few blog pages

5. Update Quicken

6. Update Pictures.

7. Swim once a week when the weather permit
8. A trip with extended family.

9. Work on a few mending/ sewing projects: fitted sheet, a gift for Max's teacher, add buttons on pillows and duvet cover

10. Anniversary trip just for the two of us
11. Go to a u-pick strawberry farm
12. Bi -weekly library trip and daily read aloud

13. Eat outside once in a while

14. Purge, clean, and organize the whole house before the school year.
15. Play date or invite people over at least once a week.

16. Vacation Bible School for Max

17. Get ready for Kindergarten 

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