Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Good articles on homeschooling

We are officially begin homeschooling our kindergartner last week and it went great so far. It helps that we kicked out the first week at Lake Tahoe, spending time with visiting extended family while still doing school.

I promised to share later on how does it goes, the curriculum we chose, and why in the world we do it but many who are smarter and cooler than me already did so I just put together the links to their writing on this post: Why They Home-school

Some more great articles I came across on homeschooling last week:
Off the Cliff by Ashley @
10 Things Every New Homeschool Mom Should Know by Alison Agnew @nancherrow
How to start homeschooling by Penelope Trunk
6 Homeschooling misconception erased by Laura Grace Weldon.
How American Homeschoolers Measure Up

Last but not least, the most popular TED talk of all time by Sir Ken Robinson titled How schools kill creativity. I think the talk is applicable for all kind of schools: public, private, and homeschooling. It is important for any teacher, educator, or learning coach to be aware of what kill creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Kiki ... we watched the video & read the links. Great information :)
