Saturday, September 14, 2013

Suspender and Bow Ties

Two months ago, our dear friends got married and the bride trusted me to make the suspender and bow tie for her cute ring bearer.
I followed the tutorial to make the suspender here. The only thing I did differently was putting the elastic inside the fabric. 

I got the suspender clips from Joann 

After the wedding, my lovely baker friend asked if I could made the bow ties for her cute nephews on her wedding. After 3 cakes she made for Max, I would sew anything for her {except a quilt maybe but I would be happy to sew your baby quilt, Tha ;)}.

The pictures below were taken by the talented photographer friend at The Wagyu Story at the wedding, which we couldn't attend :(

Have a blessed marriages, friends! May you continue to grow in your love and faith.
 PS: Suspender tutorial can be found here and bow tie tutorial can be found here

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