Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Give Them Grace and Truth: Patient & Gentleness Series #3

Chris and I were both raised in non Christian homes. I was raised in a home with anger and control while he was raised in more permissive/ passive home. We both knew we want to parent differently. I knew for sure I don't want to parent in anger while Chris wants more structure and discipline. Over the years, we made mistakes, learned, and are still learning how to parent in a patient, consistent, and loving spirit.
Often Christian parents, in their desire to raise godly children, can drift  toward rule-centered discipline. I am so thankful for what Sally Clarkson shared at Mom Heart Conference. She encouraged mothers to be like Jesus; to focus on relationship and heart instead of following rigid rules and laws. Last year, I came across the book written by Elyze Fitzpatric and her daughter, Jessica Thomson: Give Them GraceThey shared how important for us to receive and understand the gospel afresh and in return giving others the grace and truth of Jesus in abundance. Gospel centered parenting takes anger out of parenting - loveeee this!

"Life is short. Be passionate about the life you live. We all have choices to make. Choose joy!" Sally Clarkson

"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:1-2

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