"We live in a very externally-focused culture. However, there is an internal issue which is largely ignored: the condition of our heart." Andy Stanley
Jesus said in Luke 6:45
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
If there are destructive things in our hearts, they’re eventually going to make their way out in our words and actions.
How is our heart doing today?
Over time, it may be cluttered with sin, lies, or garbage that slowly erode our heart’ sensitivity so we need to:
Over time, it may be cluttered with sin, lies, or garbage that slowly erode our heart’ sensitivity so we need to:
Identify what is lodged in our heart and take action to remove it is exceedingly.
When I was listening to Andy Stanley's teaching on Enemies of the Heart, I realized that my heart was cluttered with bitterness against someone due to my unrealistic expectations. Lysa Terkeurst described unrealistic expectations as things the other person isn't able or willing to do for us. These are often the seeds of bitterly stuffed emotions.
People say, "hurting people hurt others." I learned that to be true and I want to break the crazy cycle. I don't want to hurt others because I was hurt, so I made decision to forgive. I was set free then. I was able to accept, understand, and love that person.
"Make a habit to Confess, Forgive, Give generously, and Celebrate the successes of others.
These are the habits that keep a heart free from painful clutter." Andy Stanley
Let's pray:
God, be merciful to me because You are loving. Because you are always ready to be merciful wipe out all my wrongs. Wash away all my guilt and make me clean again. - Psalm 51:1-2
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4: 23
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