Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ex-Squeeze Yourself: Patient & Gentleness Series #5

Instead of posting a new blog post, I want to encourage you to listen to Andy Stanley’s recent podcast: Breathing Room. I was just finished listening to it yesterday and excited to share it with you.

"Our lives are busy and fast-paced. The lack of margin increases our stress and shortens our tempers. It can distract us from the most important things in our lives... and our relationships suffer. It can even affect our relationship with God because there is a connection between our willingness to create margin and our faith. Life is better with breathing room" Andy Stanley

Do you feel like you can’t catch your breath? Are you stressed, tired, and overwhelmed? If so, this is maybe what the doctor ordered. Listen to the Breathing Room message here

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Patient & Gentleness Series:

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