Besides visiting Joshua Tree National Park, we also stopped by at San Diego Natural History Museum on our last trip to South Cal. One of the perk of homeschooling is we can take schooling on the road. :) It happened that Travel Words were the vocabulary that Max has to learn that week. Couldn't think of better way to learn them than to travel. :)
We had been telling the kids about it so they were so excited to finally see dinosaur fossils. After 8 hours on the road we are finally arrived:

"Allosaurus!!! Allosaurus!!!" they screamed while jumping ups and downs.

The museum has other things too besides fossils...

This is interesting. We learned that it takes energy each time we turn on the faucet so we ought to be mindful of how much water we use:

I forgot what kind of whale was it. Max immediately told me, "It's Gray Whale, ma."
And this one is Megalodon Shark

This poor Sea Cow is already extinct :(

Oooo man.... I also forgot what kind of dinosaur is this one. Got to ask Max again. *Update: "It's Albertosaurus." Max said

O... I know this one: Duck-billed

My 2.5 years old reminds me daily of how creative and amazing God is. So different than his brother. While other kids his age enjoy learning how to sing, the name of alphabets, colors, and so on. He prefers to learn about trucks, animals, and dinosaurs.

The Skulls

I know it's not for everyone but my kiddos love this museum. It costs $17 for adult, $11 for kid, and FREE for child age 2 and under.