How to clean burnt sugar on an oven

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The last time I bake flat apple pie, some of the sugar got spilled onto the bottom of oven. Below are some steps I took to clean it.

While the oven still hot, spray the burnt sugar with my homemade non-toxic all purpose cleaner {which is basically made of vinegar, baking soda, and water}

Let the liquid soak for a little while then use spoon or wooden spatula to lift the burnt

 How to clean burned sugar in an oven
some of the burnt still stick so I actually had to heat the oven again, spray the vinegar-water-baking soda liquid then clean the rest of the burnt
 How to clean burned  oven
almost there
 Getting rid of burned in the oven
wipe the rest with damp cloth 

then voila
 How to clean burnt stuff in the oven

It works! Yayyyyy