A few weeks ago, we flew a few thousand miles to see our friends and family on the other side of the world.
The main reason was to attend the holy matrimony of my baby brother. Can't believe how fast time flies; the sweet little boys has grown to be a fine young man
The wedding color theme was red so I changed the bow ties and the buttons of these vests to get the boys ready for the party. Wedding in Indonesia is big and fancy; not something that I am used to or into.
but I love the part that we get to be together with family
and sweet old friends:

We're also blessed with the chance to visit this beautiful place called Belitung:
Once we get over this jetlag, I will tell you more about it.
This Summer Bucket List
{because I only have 12 summer left with Max and 15 with Wes}
2. Go to a u-pick strawberry farm
4. Play date or invite people over at least once a week.
5. Hit the pool when the weather permit
7. Camping?
9. Light daily learning activities: reading, phonic, and math. Recent reading on summer learning lost encouraged us to continue learning during summer.
10. Deep clean the house and
13. Work on a few sewing projects
14. Get ready for First Grade for Max. File the kindergarten work.
15. Get ears pierced. I had one when I was a baby but the holes closed up.
Hopefully, I still can manage to blog while working on that list :)