Thursday, July 3, 2014

Field Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium

My kids LOVE Monterey Bay Aquarium. We used to be members before Max goes to school. I lost count how many times we've been there. Even so, the kids never get bored and always looking forward for the chance to go there again and again.

This gray whale will greet you when you enter the aquarium

Wes was mesmerized by the fishes

They have amazing collection of jelly fishes

I love the fact that the aquarium provide many hands-on learning experience for children.




Because we are cheap frugal, we often bring our own lunch and eat right outside of the aquarium

and enjoy this beautiful scenery
Pretty cool and fun place to visit but we would rather not go there on the weekend or school holidays because the place is usually jammed packed with visitors.

Visit their website for more information on the location, hour, and tickets.
Now I just have to hide this post from Max, otherwise he would ask me, "When can we go there again, ma?" for 100 times or so.

PS: Max read this post and told me he want to write about other aquarium we visited last year: Aquarium of the Bay

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