I learned about this place when I saw my new friend's google+ picture at a strawberry farm. I asked her about it and she recommended us to visit the place: Swanton U-Pick Berry Farm, so we did.

Inspired by the Pioneer Woman' second picture on the page. She has a cowboy I have an engineer. :)

This little fella is our quality control guy. He made sure every single one that goes into the box is a good one.

I love these ladies
Trying to persuade Fonda to get ears pierce with me
How many shots does it takes to get one good family picture? A LOT!

In case you are wondering how did I make the gif? I didn't. Google+ did it. All I did was upload all the pictures on Picasa/ Google+ then they automatically came up with the Auto-Awesome gift. Thanks Google!

Want some?

We ate some of the strawberries as is, some were turned into strawberry jam, strawberry ice cream, and strawberry yogurt.

In conclusion:
a. It was a great experience. I think it's important for our kids to learn where our food came from. Also to learn that growing and picking strawberries are not easy tasks.
b. The strawberries were organic and fresh although not as sweet as the ones I usually get from Farmer Market
c. The strawberry farm located nearby coastline so it is windy and cold. Don't forget to bring jacket/ sweater.
d. I will bring my own basket/ bucket next time because they only provide those flat boxes that are not easy to carry.
Pictures were taken with Nikon D90 {it's now discontinued and Nikon replaced it with D7100} with Tamron AF 2-75mm f/2.8.
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