I cried, prayed the words of this song "Heal me O Lord." - Jeremiah 17:1 many times these past few days. And God has been answering that prayer.
Through His Words; He gave me the strength and comfort I need and let me know that He cares.

I had been looking for my Bible all over the place these past few days. Finally, it dawned on me that the burglar must have taken it; thinking it's a journal, ipad, or maybe he knew it is a Bible and wanted to read it. Praying that it will change his heart as it changes mine.
Through this man, who doesn't shower me with gifts, flowers, words, or touch; but with sacrificial, faithful, and unconditional love. And for that, I am forever grateful.
Through these sweet active boys, who need, want, and love their mama no matter what.
Through friends and strangers.
We have been showered with prayers, food, words of encouragement, visit, stories, and advises. From close friends to strangers; whenever I shared the story of the break in people were sympathetic and in turn were sharing their own stories. For instance, our librarian shared the latest burglary method: the burglars would break in the car when people are at sport game or concert. Most cars has GPS nowadays so all they need to do is press the "Go Home" button. Then they will drive to the house, open the garage door using the garage opener, which usually attached to the car, and rob the house. Be mindful, everyone!
Through Michael Hyatt's podcast below. I was listening to it this evening without even aware of the title. Turned out it was exactly what I need hear: the importance to take time to reflect and restore the condition of my heart:
I've learned so much through this and my heart is slowly healed. I am learning to forgive, to let go, to laugh, to care, to love, and to trust again. God is good!
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23