It's been a while since I am writing about the state of this blog. The last time I did was in 2012, when I changed the blog name to Choosing to Cherish. Our life has changed since then. The kids are growing, and we as parents are growing and changing too. I found it easier for me physically now that the kids are older and less dependent. They can walk, eat, go potty, change clothes on their own, help with cleaning up, getting stuff, and so on, but it's harder for me mentally. There is a lot of "why questions" to answer to, character to mold, heart to shapes, good seeds to sow, and craziness to deal with daily:
We began our official homeschooling journey last year which has not been easy but oh so rewarding. I am grateful and treasure each second knowing that they don't live with us forever. With that said, I just want to communicate this so you know what to expect: I plan to publish only 2 posts each week and one of them would be recipe.
It's still amused me that I, the girl who didn't like to cook in the beginning, would be able to actually enjoy cooking and making things. I learned how blessing other physically through food can bless their soul or at least can build a bridge for a deeper relationship. What a joy it is whenever I read a message from someone telling me how the recipes on this blog has encourage other to cook more for themselves and/or their family.
image taken from this post: Crispy Oatmeal Cookies
on Social Media:
I am not on Twitter and I don't have Facebook Page. I have a personal one, which I like to keep private. You can add me on Google+ if you have one. I am back to Google+ after hearing Guy Kawasaki's talk below.
My summary from the interview:
- Love Google+: the design, white space, photography, always integrate picture,
- Always put up great content: links, posts, etc that way we earn the the right to persuade people.
- Three Keys to earn that right:
- Likability: Virgin America CEO,
- Trustworthiness: Zappos,
- Quality: Apple
- Promoting your stuff 1 out of 20 things you post.
- Facebook is about people: for relating with others
- Twitter is for perception/ snippet of news
- Google+ is for passion
- Pinterest: picture based
- LinkIn: about pimping yourself: new job, connection
- Avatar: mostly your face, off center to show that you are likable, trustworthy,
- It starts with quality! Don't be better, be different
- What I Learned From Steve Jobs
- Bullet list makes whatever you advertise, actionable
Chris and I recently attended a small conference in which Ann Voskamp was one of the speaker. She suggested to list down 3 things we are thankful for that day. Her reasons:

I am also on Instagram. I found it useful as tool to capture my blessings/ 1000 gifts: anything from my daily life that make me smile, the sweet little gifts that God bestows each and every day
I love listening to podcast while I do hand activity such as washing the dishes, folding laundry, and driving. Besides a few good ones that I shared before, below are a few more that I found and enjoy listening to recently:
a. Influence Network
b. My Wife Quit Her Job
c. Smart Passive Income
d. Brilliant Business Mom
That's all from me. Thank you for reading my rambling post 'til the end.