After securing a boat to rent for $45 for the whole day {we paid a deposit and paid the rest at the end of the trip}, off we went to the sea...
First stop was Bird Island or Pulau Burung
Next we sailed through this island called Sandy Island or Pulau Pasir. During low tide, the island appears, when the tide rises, the island submerges.
How Didi rated the trip so far. He would give two thumbs up but the other hand got to hold on to the boat.
Finally after 45 minutes, we reached our destination: Lengkuas Island or Pulau Lengkuas:
Of course we have to check the old light house. It was either built or opened in 1823.
Inside the light house.

They have a rule that visitor must take off their shoes or sandals, which I don't think it's a good idea since the metal stairs were old and there were some broken part. I prayed all the way that our feet won't get hurt. Thankfully, we didn't get hurt. I think wearing socks would be a good idea. At least it would prevent direct contact with the old metal.
About half way to the top. We were sweating and exhausted. We didn't know how many more stairs we would have to climb to reach the top. I took a peak through the window and saw this amazing view:
I then looked up. Hey, we're almost there! We can do this!
Finally, last floor before we reach the top
We made it. Yay!!! I am so very proud of my boys. They walked all the way up and down the stairs by themselves. It's hard even for adults to make it. Way to go, boys!

The sweet rewards:
I was holding on the boys as Chris took this picture
We went down backward otherwise it's too scary for Didi. We met a couple who were on the way to the top and almost gave up. Seeing Didi encouraged them to do the keep moving. I told them, "It's worth it. Keep taking one step at a time and you will get there!"

Max was rewarded with getting to see and pet baby turtles

He gently taught Didi the proper way to hold it:

Next we took the boys swimming in the middle of the Ocean to see Nemo and his friends.
Click here to read Visiting Belitung - Part 3: Under the Sea
Click here to read Visiting Belitung Part 1: Tanjung Tinggi Beach