Saturday, November 22, 2014

Korean Black Noodle

My dear friend, Ci Lily, who inspired me to cook taught me how to cook this dish before she moved out of the country *sob*. She is an amazing woman. I won't be making all these dishes if it's not because of her. Thank you for sharing your passion and recipes, Ci!

The ingredients:

The noodle:

Cut the potatoes and carrots into squares

Boil them until a little bit soft,

drain and place on a plate

Cook the onion,

and the meat.

Add the boiled potatoes and carrot,

the black bean paste,

broth, and other ingredients. Continue cooking and stirring until done.

The end result:

Korean Black Noodle

Cook time:
Printable Recipe
1 package of noodle - cook according to the manufacturer's direction on the back of the package
1 pound ground pork
2 potatoes - cut into squares
2 carrots - cut into squares
1 onion - cut into small pieces
8 brown mushrooms - slices thin
1/2 cups or about 6 heaping tablespoons of black bean paste
4 tablespoons oil
4 tablespoons butter
1.5 to 2 cups of broth {I use homemade chicken stock}
1 tablespoon corn starch mix with 2 tablespoon of water
2 tablespoon of mirin
2 teaspoons sugar
1 cucumber - cut into small squares
1 green onion - slices
Salt & pepper


  1. Boil the carrot and potatoes in boiling water until about half cooked, not too soft. Strained and place on a plate.
  2. Heat a pan, add the oil; when the oil is hot add the onion. After the onion is fragrant, add the butter and sliced mushroom. When the mushroom is cooked, add the ground pork, season with salt and pepper. Add the boiled carrot and potatoes, black bean paste, and broth. Continue cooking and stirring until all ingredients are well mixed while adding mirin, sugar, and starch water. Adjust to taste.
  3. Boil the noodle in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain and rinse in cold water. 
  4. Place noodle in a bowl, put the black bean sauce mixture on the top, garnish with cucumber and green onion.


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