Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What I learned from burglary and how to prevent it from happening

It's been a few months since the break-in. I have been thinking about the lessons I learned out of the experience:
 1. Life is a gift. We cannot go back to the past and we will never knew what will happen tomorrow. All we have is today.

2. Never think it could never happened to you. We need to be proactive in regards to our family safety {read the Safety Tips below}

3. Share what we are going through. I am continuously amazed at how compassionate people are. We have been showered with prayers, words of encouragement, notes, foods, visit, stories, and advises from close friends to strangers. Thank you for the bottom of our heart.

4. The break in brought us closer to God, each others and the people in our neighborhood. It encourages us to take part to improve the security in our neighborhood.

Some home Safety tips worth mentioning:
  • Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in.
  • Lock all outside doors, side gates, and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors.
  • Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day.
  • Keep your garage door closed and locked.
  • Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers or flyers build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly.
  • Push button locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install deadbolt locks on all your outside doors.
  • Install security cameras. 
  • Lawn mowers, barbecues, ladder, and bicycles are best stored out of sight
  • Always lock your garden sheds and garages.
  • Use curtains on garage and basement windows.
  • Never leave notes on your door such as “Gone shopping.”
Great video from our local Police Department:

Do you have any other safety tips? Please share in the comments.

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