"The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways." Proverbs 14:8a
A few weeks ago, I heard a podcast about the important of early morning routine and how it impact our productivity. I already had a morning routine before but since listening to the podcast I added some practices that Hal Elrod suggested such as waking up 30 minutes earlier than I normally would and doing 10 minutes exercise.
It makes such a big difference. Instead of waking up grumpy and in the rush, I am waking up ready to face the day and much calmer through out the day because I have plenty of time to do what need to be done.
You can listen to the podcast titled: Productivity and the Early Morning Routine.
My Morning Routine {ideally speaking, sometimes thing happened like I blogged a little bit late the night before and the kids wake up earlier than normal, so I adjust accordingly}:
- Set alarm and wake up 30 minutes earlier than I am supposed to
- Drink a glass of water followed by coffee later
- Turn on worship song on Pandora
- Put essentials oils in the diffuser. I use lemon oil in the morning
- Do 10 minutes Yoga or stretching exercise
- Prayer, Bible Reading
- Planning and Journaling
- Waking up the kids, help them with their morning chores/ morning routine
- Breakfast
- Morning devotion & reading time with the kids
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Benjamin Franklin
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