Thursday, March 12, 2015

Effective Morning Routine: Patience & Gentleness Series #10

"The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways." Proverbs 14:8a

A few weeks ago, I heard a podcast about the important of early morning routine and how it impact our productivity. I already had a morning routine before but since listening to the podcast I added some practices that Hal Elrod suggested such as waking up 30 minutes earlier than I normally would and doing 10 minutes exercise. 

It makes such a big difference. Instead of waking up grumpy and in the rush, I am waking up ready to face the day and much calmer through out the day because I have plenty of time to do what need to be done.

You can listen to the podcast titled: Productivity and the Early Morning Routine.

My Morning Routine {ideally speaking, sometimes thing happened like I blogged a little bit late the night before and the kids wake up earlier than normal, so I adjust accordingly}:
  1. Set alarm and wake up 30 minutes earlier than I am supposed to
  2. Drink a glass of water followed by coffee later
  3. Turn on worship song on Pandora
  4. Put essentials oils in the diffuser. I use lemon oil in the morning
  5. Do 10 minutes Yoga or stretching exercise 
  6. Prayer, Bible Reading
  7. Planning and Journaling
  8. Waking up the kids, help them with their morning chores/ morning routine
  9. Breakfast 
  10. Morning devotion & reading time with the kids 

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Benjamin Franklin

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