Random Post on Motherhood

Friday, March 20, 2015

I just got the news that a friend of mine from homeschooling group passed away due to breast cancer; living behind her husband and 3 young sons. Two of them are at Max and Wes' age. Her second son, who is the same age as Max, is one of Max's best friends.

I told Max the news with tears in my eyes. He's sad too. He said, "It's good that she is no longer suffering and is now in Heaven, ma, but she is still young. How come she died?"
Please lift up the family in your prayers and pray for discernment, wisdom, and love as our community walks with her family during this difficult time.

Today is my mom's birthday. I cannot imagine growing up without her. I didn't realized how blessed I am to have such a creative, fun, sensitive and loving mom until I have children. She works all day but once she got home, she always available for cuddling, listening, and story telling.

A college student interviewed me the other day for her report about raising kids in the States. One of the questions she asked was, "What is one thing you do for your children that only you as their mom can do?"
I thought for a while then answered, "Honestly, I think everything I do, can be done by someone else."

But then I think of my mom... I remembered on second grade I cried because she didn't go to dentist appointment with me when I was having a painful filling done. Once she got home, she gave me a hug and apologized. That's the only time I remembered she wasn't present when I need her.

I thought of the day I gave birth and recovering from childbirth. There was no body else on earth I rather have by my side (beside my dear husband of course) but her. The things that she does as mother maybe replaceable but the comfort, love, and joy that she brings cannot.

One more story before I am closing this post. I was just seven years old then, from first grade moving on to second grade.  Back then, teachers wrote on a notebook to communicate with the parents {mostly giving bad report or concern}. As long as the notebook still has blank space, the students kept the same notebook all the way through six grade.

I received one bad report on first grade and I remember kept staring at the note before putting it in my bag. I didn't like the fact that my new teacher at 2nd grade would learn and label me just from that note without getting to know me.

 My mom, being a sensitive wonderful mom, asked, "Do you want me to make it disappear?"
"You can? how?" I asked.
Then she took the book from my hands and ripped that one page. "Don't let one mistake stop you from growing. You learned from your mistakes and move on. Don't let that holding you back."
 The notebook remained blank until I graduated from elementary.

 What she said reminded me of what Eli said to Punchinelo in the book: You Are Special {click on the link to read the story}
"Why don't the stickers stay on her?"

The maker spoke softly: "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what they think. The sticker only stick if you let them"


"The stickers only stick if they matter to you. The more you trust my love, the less you care about their stickers."

Happy Birthday, mom. Thank you for your sacrifical love to our family.
Giving God thanks for you and praying for you daily,
Blessed to be yours


  1. I love this post! I agree that moms have an influence on our lives that no one else can make. I lost my mom when I was young, but I am grateful for all of the women who took me in and helped raise me and my siblings. I will pray for your friend's family. How have you been able to apply what you learned from your mom in to your life? Thank you for this great post.

    1. Thanks Alicia! I would need your input as what we need to do or not to do to best help my friend's kids. I think the biggest lesson that my mom taught me is to be present when the kids need her. Take time to smile, cuddle, and serve instead of expecting to be served. Have a blessed week!
