Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tutorial: How to Make Fabric Banner

How to make fabric banner

It's the typical end of the year craziness when school project, report, test, and presentations are due on top of the usual: teaching, cooking, cleaning, laundry-ing, and carpooling by the end of the day I am too tired to do anything else but sleeping.

On Mother's Day, I wanted to sew something that I have been wanting to make for a long time: fabric banner. There are probably tons of tutorial out there but I just want to go right into sewing so I did it my way.

First, make a triangle pattern on paper. The one I make was 7 inches wide then mark the middle point at 3.5 inch:

then go straight down to the 7.5 inch mark. Connect the points then you get your triangle:

fold the fabric then use fabric marker to copy the pattern to your chosen fabric. I used 6 different fabrics but you can use less of more as prefer.

I make four two-sided triangles with each fabric

the folded one looks like this:

iron them one by one:

then arrange them in a way you want it to be displayed:

put them on top of each other:

then start sewing the sides on zig-zag mode {or use serger if you own one}

I happened to have a left over 1 inch fabric rope to sew them on:

Fold it into half and iron:

Open the fold, sew  the triangle at the folding line:

then fold the rope back and sew again:

That's it. I am done:

It brighten up the room and never fail to make me smile every time I see it.  Didi even requested me to make one for his room.

Now you can make one for yourself. ;)

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