Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Google Plus Contents - Part 1

Over the year I use Google Plus to share links to interesting articles, movies, or any other goodies. Now that Google is shutting down Google Plus, I thought I just move the contents and share them here. Enjoy!

The Drop Box Story
"Suffering is not a mistake and isn't the absence of God's goodness because He still presents in pain." Kara Tippetts
Only kindness begets kindness; kindness begets love.
Anger does not beget heart change; it begets shame. Yelling does not beget understanding; it begets hurt. Harsh words do not beget love; they beget humiliation. Intimidation does not beget kindness; it begets fear.

I’ve already seen a return on my investment; as I trust God to help me respond to my rebellious children in kindness and love instead of fear and anger, these young hearts are learning that kindness is always right and they treat each other with kindness. What a joy for my mama’s heart!
"Your time spent pursuing love will not be wasted. The time spent embracing your moments, reading that extra bedtime book, sitting together to dinner, loving a child in their unkindness and weakness matter. Live each moment knowing even your unseen movement toward love and away from unkindness matters." Kara Tippetts, Big Love

Two-Step Authentication on Everything

13 habits to improve your life

12 habits to create explosive growth

21 Places to Learn Useful Skills

10 Ways To Have Better Conversation
1. Be present. Don't multitask
2. Don't pontificate
3. Use open ended questions
4. Go with the flow
5. If we don't know; say we don't know. Talk shouldn't be cheap.
6. Don't equate our experience with theirs. It's not about you.
7. Try not to repeat yourself.
8. Leave out of the details. People don't care about the details.
9. Listen.
10. Be brief
"Go out, talk to people, listen to people," she says. "And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed."

Business/ Money
It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -   Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

13 Ways You Waste Your Money

Ten of The best Business To Come Out of Shark Tank

A Dad Started a Company to Employ His Autistic Son

Best advise about money

Jack Ma's explanation on Alibaba: Interesting point: scale doesn't matter instead focus on variety and efficiency 

Broke college students life hacks to save money

Amazon vs Costco and Trader Joe's vs Whole Foods

Parenting/ Teaching:

 "What makes people smart, curious, alert, observant, competent, confident, resourceful, persistent - in the broadest and best sense, intelligent - is not having access to more and more learning places, resources, and specialists, but being able in their lives to do a wide variety of interesting things that matter, things that challenge their ingenuity, skill, and judgment, and that make an obvious difference in their lives and the lives of people around them." John Holt, Teach Your Own

For The Children's Sake, Put Down That Smartphone
Nothing motivate my 6 years old to learn those bopomofo until I told him I gonna memorize these faster than you. "No u will not!" he said; then he start memorizing. This chart is very helpful:
5 Ways to Encourage Your Kids
1. Smile more
2. Speak clearly and gently
3. Listen patiently
4. Speak of them kindly
5. Celebrate their victory
Brene Brown: Shame vs Guilt
School Lunch in Japan very impressive!

Why Some Kids Try Harder and Some Kids Give Up

Why getting your kids into college should be the least of your concerns;
I especially like the questionnaires in her article
You know what does speak volumes about your parenting? Ask yourself the following questions:
Does your child have a compassionate soul?
Does your child have a healthy dose of intellectual curiosity?
Is your child resourceful and independent?
Is your child happy with who she is?
Can your child creatively problem-solve?
Is your child passionate about anything?
Can your child sit with himself and enjoy his own company?

Focus on the family interview with the creator of Veggie Tales titled: Raising Kids with a Thriving Faith

Got to print this out Daily Back to School Check List

When you pray with your children, you are teaching your children to pray
Penmanship: Why write 

5 Vital Life Skills

Good learning to type website for elementary kids

Growing in grace and wisdom and stature isn’t an immediate download — it happens the way a tree grows up: over decades

The Benefits of Bilingualism

Good reminder for me as parents/ educators to focus on what's important
100 chart
Number bonds (these are FABULOUS for learning fact families!)
Clocks (three versions of blank clock faces without hands)
Calendar (one with the days of the week filled in and one blank)
Coordinate planes (some with one quadrant, some with four)
Number lines (some with numbers filled in, others that are blank)
Graph paper (in two sizes)

What We Learn By Studying Amazing Kids

Low Teach Gift Ideas

Good reads:

Lego learning:

From now on, I will start saying we're hackschooling. Logan's TedTalk

Sending balloon to space

I love Brene Ted Talk and enjoy her talk in this Gift of Imperfect Parenting Series:

How a Lincoln High teacher gets all his students to pass the AP Calculus exam

The message: The brain is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The way you exercise your brain is by embracing challenges, practicing skills, learning new things. As Khan puts it, "the brain grows most by getting questions wrong, not right."

How to survive the college admissions madness
Especially love this dad's letter:
Dear Matt,

On the night before you receive your first college response, we wanted to let you know that we could not be any prouder of you than we are today. Whether or not you get accepted does not determine how proud we are of everything you have accomplished and the wonderful person you have become. That will not change based on what admissions officers decide about your future. We will celebrate with joy wherever you get accepted — and the happier you are with those responses, the happier we will be. But your worth as a person, a student and our son is not diminished or influenced in the least by what these colleges have decided.
If it does not go your way, you’ll take a different route to get where you want. There is not a single college in this country that would not be lucky to have you, and you are capable of succeeding at any of them.
We love you as deep as the ocean, as high as the sky, all the way around the world and back again — and to wherever you are headed.
Mom and Dad

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