Friday, July 19, 2019

Our Family Travel Medicine List

Every time we travel, I always bring my medicine kit. Since we also use the medicine at home, I often miss bringing a few of the medicine we need on the trip. I thought I wrote down the list here so I can just print out and double check the list before we go traveling.

Travel Medicine List:
1. Eucalyptus oil for nasal congestion, bug repellent, bug bites
2. Lanolin cream for chapped lips, cracked or burnt skin, reduce itchiness from bug bites
3. Tylenol: Pain Reliever/ Fever Reducer 
3. Neosporin, Betadine, cotton balls, & Band Aid
4. Wes' asthma medicine
5. Probiotic to support healthy gut and and activated charcoal for food poisoning/ diarrhea 
6. Allergy medicine for kids and adults
8. Sore throat/ cold medicine, I used Halls, Chinese medicine: the golden lozenges, Lo Han Guo, and Yin Chiao tablet   
 9. Miracle of Aloe Rub, for muscle pain relieve. We prefer this over Salonpas
10. Mouth ulcer cream and eye infection cream (bought these in Indonesia)
11. Max's eczema cream
12. Vitamin D and iron supplement for my anemia
13. Emergen C 
14. Zambuk, ointment for brushes
15. Motion sickness medicine kids and adults

Anything else you would add to the list?

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